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We are a full service architectural firm specializing in custom residential design -- new, remodel, additions, restoration, or re-purposing.


Ignacio Salas-Humara AIA

Ignacio Salas-Humara received his architectural degree from Cornell University. In his 40-year career he has founded award-winning firms in Florida and Texas. His projects have won local, regional, and national design awards and have been presented in books, magazines, and HGTV. Ignacio lives in the Texas Hill Country in an 1886 stone house in Comfort with his wife Dinah, three cats, a dog, and five Longhorns.


Wow. We purchased an old Feed Store & seed processing plant, built in the 1930's. Highlights of this structure include a seed/grain silo, with intact grain conveyor belt rising 35 feet to the roof, an industrial seed/grain scale (still functional), and a beautiful array of long leaf pine rafters . Ignacio was the first person we thought of when we envisioned a conversion of this structure to a residential loft- we were familiar with his work from publications/awards, and from several of his projects that we had been fortunate to tour. From his first, initial rough sketch, he had us hooked. It's hard to adequately summarize Ignacio's superb performance on our project in limited text sp...


AIA Design Awards, Home Magazine Design Awards, Builder Magazine Design Awards.

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